Pay Here

Please select the type of payment you wish to make:


Law Firm Invoice

Clients wishing to make a payment for either legal services or a deposit retainer may select the appropriate button below.

You will be redirected to a secure website to process your payment. Please note, due to bank processing times, it may take 2-3 business days before your account reflects your payment.

If you have any issues with making a payment online, please contact the accounting department by email at or by phone at (614)255-4555.

Pay Invoice     Pay Retainer

Collections Bill

Individuals wishing to make a collections payment (e.g. medical bills, auto loans, credit card) may select the button below.

You will be redirected to a secure website to process your payment. Please note, due to bank processing times, it may take 2-3 business days before your account reflects your payment.

If you have any issues with making a payment online or would like assistance setting up automatic payments, please call (614) 628-0823 to speak to a member of the creditors rights department.

Pay Collections Account