Carlile Patchen & Murphy LLP (CPM) announced that Anthony Betta was installed as a new member of Helpline’s Board of Directors. The installation of new Board Members is held every 3 years and made up of community and civic leaders.
“I am excited to support Helpline and look forward to working with the other Board Members to ensure continued access to knowledge for those in need,” said Betta.
Helpline’s programs promote and advocate for emotional health and wellness through addressing suicide and depression, sexual assault, child sexual abuse and family violence to influence change in our community. Their mission is rooted in the relationships with local non-profits and agencies, giving access to connections and knowledge to get community members the support, education and volunteer opportunities they’re looking for.
They are a contract provider of the Delaware-Morrow Mental Health and Recovery Services Board and partially funded by SourcePoint based in Delaware, Ohio. A United Way partner, HelpLine is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology, National Alliance of Information & Referral Systems and certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Betta is Of Counsel and practices litigation at Carlile Patchen & Murphy. His practice focuses on several areas including commercial litigation, eminent domain, foreclosures, bankruptcy and collections.
Before moving with his family to Ohio in 2016, Betta practiced law in New Jersey for several years. He has represented a variety of clients in the state trial and appellate courts along with the United States District and Bankruptcy Courts. He counsels business owners in breach of contract litigations and obtained judgments in corporate litigations.
Betta serves industry professionals in several areas including construction litigation, defending clients in actions brought pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act, negotiating settlements on behalf of clients in asbestos litigations, and defending industrial professionals in environmental contamination litigations.
In addition, his experience also includes arguing motions, attending meetings of creditors, preparing complaints for adversary proceedings, and preparing proofs of claims on behalf of creditors in the United States Bankruptcy Court, and preparing witnesses for trial and conducting direct examination of witnesses in successful trials resulting in clients obtaining judgments in actions on unpaid student loans.